Client Testimonials

It's my honor and joy to help improve quality of life for individuals and families!

Money-Making Momentum!

"​Sara is SO easy to talk to!  I love her approach and flexibility.  I'm not even sure how to describe her incredible knack for creating major shifts in the areas of my life that really needed it most.  I've been able to use things lying around my home to update rooms and areas of my yard.  My yard and home are feeling so much more enjoyable each time I take action on her suggestions!  I actually ENJOY the thought of having people over now, and best of all, I'm having some serious financial shifts (hello money!!!) in my business after feeling stuck for over a year!  I highly recommend Sara's services."

"Your help with our home made all the difference for my family.  Thank you."

- V. F.

"Sara, Holy Crap!  You're a legend!  I've barely even started on the things you recommended, and I cannot believe the difference I already feel in this space!  Thank you so much, and I can't wait to keep playing.  This is so much fun!"

- R. S.

"I can't believe the difference in my husband's sleep after we made the changes you suggested in our bedroom! 
​It's so amazing!  Thank you!"

- C. C. 

Loving & Trusting the Process 

"Before we started working together I often just ignored how I felt about my home because I did not feel like I could do anything about it.  I felt insecure with my choices and never knew where to start.   Your design ideas are things that I have never even thought of, and I feel much braver trying new things with your insight.  I also love how you come up with solutions that are doable and accessible, and I am really enjoying the process.  While I am well aware that decluttering is helpful and it should be something I do on my own, hearing your rationale and encouragement for letting go is so helpful!  If you're on the fence and thinking about this type of coaching, DO IT!  There is very little risk in giving it a try and you will be shocked by the difference it makes.  You CAN have a home you feel good in and that supports you!"

Ripple Effects 

 "I look forward to continuing to work with you.  Your support has been so wonderful, not just for me, but the ripple effects for my family have been wonderful too."

Energy Healing

"Thank you so much for that soul-filling session.  We got to work immediately and made a bunch of the changes you recommended, and we have already felt such a huge energetic shift."

Sweeter Dreams for a Young Girl 

"I asked Sara for help because my daughter was having trouble falling asleep at night, which was causing her anxiety each evening as it got closer to bedtime.  Sara evaluated my daughter's room and noted right away that the positioning of my daughter's bed, as well as other furniture in the room, might be having a negative effect on her sleep.  Sara gave suggestions on how to rearrange the furniture, then provided several other ideas for changing elements within the room in order to promote better sleep.  I was able to implement some of the changes right away (rearranging the room and painting the walls a different color), and within the first week I noticed that my daughter had not expressed worry before going to bed, nor had she reported having trouble falling asleep.  When I asked my daughter how she was feeling about the changes in her room, she said she was more comfortable with the new arrangement and realized that she was not feeling worried about bedtime anymore.  It has been several months since then and my daughter has not had her sleep anxiety return.  Her sleep issues had been going on for over a year prior to the changes in her room, so I was both surprised and delighted by the immediate improvement we experienced after making what were fairly minor adjustments to the bedroom.  Sara was wonderful to work with.  She offered suggestions that were easy to implement right away, then followed up with additional ideas that could be done over time.  The passion she feels for what she does is obvious, and that makes the process positive and fun.  I am currently in the process of working with her on other areas of my home, and can't wait to see what comes of it.  I would absolutely recommend her services to anyone!"
​-B. B.

Opening a Flow of Abundance

​"WOW, Sara is amazing. She knows so much about Feng Shui, but the best thing about Sara is that she completely customizes her suggestions to YOU and your style and your family, taking into account the relationships in the home and what your goals are, all with her very supportive and nurturing presence. Several of her suggestions resulted in almost immediate abundance flowing into my life, which I attribute to the energetic shift that she helped me create."
- R.P.

Healthier, Happier Home = Healthier, Happier Life

"Sara was a huge help in improving my living environment and overall sense of well-being!  I'd been in my house for ten years, always disappointed that the house and yard weren't even close to living up to their potential, but too overwhelmed and unmotivated to decide where to start or what could or should be done.  We started with the outside space and gradually transformed both the back and front yards from eyesores that I avoided looking at or thinking about into areas that were inviting to spend time in.  Sara provided great ideas from the outset on the types of placement of dozens of plants and other outdoor features (furniture, curtains, fountains, statues, etc.).  She was also willing to be very hands-on to get the job done.  She paid special attention to my Health and Family area, a largely neglected side patio space.  We cleared years of accumulated junk, swept up yard debris, and added statues and lighting.  I'd had various health issues over the years, mainly related to unhealthy habits and avoiding dealing with medical and dental issues in general.   I'm now the healthiest I've ever been, exercising, eating well and getting long overdue check-ups, and I believe that the improvements in my physical surroundings contributed to improving my overall mindset and sustaining a more healthy lifestyle.  We also worked inside the house, including giving my laundry room (Wealth and Prosperity area) a makeover that would have never occurred to me, again transforming a neglected area into a more appealing part of the overall home.  Reorganizing my entryway closet (Career area) seemed to coincide with my being contacted by a recruiter for a potential new job (a job I didn't get, but it prompted me to update my resume and rekindle my job search).  She was very easy to work with, providing guidance without discounting my own opinions, and very flexible in terms of adjusting plans to consider budget or ongoing maintenance restraints.  We continue to discuss improvements in other areas of the house as time and money allow. 
​Highly recommended!"

"I've worked at this stuff my whole life, but no one has made me feel so inspired and empowered as you have."

- S. R.

"Sara, you are MAGIC!"

- S. K.

"Thanks for all your help!  My son is super happy with the changes we made and is sleeping so much better already!"

- K. W. 

"Everything gets better when you're here."

- L. F.

Finding Light in the Dark

"I left a home I loved because the landlord was selling.  My family and I moved to a bigger place in a great neighborhood with all the things we needed, but the home itself did not feel like me.  Coinciding with the move was the start of a new job for me, the beginning of a PhD program, and so many new hard things.  When I reached out to Sara, I was feeling stuck in my work, in my sense of direction, in my body (nagging tension as I trained for a marathon), and in my marriage.   Completing her questionnaire felt like therapy.  Line by line I saw how much my home paralleled my life-- the sense of darkness and stuckness, a sense of being closed and foggy.  I literally had a stuck closet door and windows I could not see out of.

Sara came to my home and taught me how different areas of my home represent different themes like love and relationships, health and family, my own self-knowledge and cultivation, and more.  Sara has a lovely and powerful way of identifying potential changes without placing shame or judgment or pressure or immediacy on a person.   She pointed out how our bedroom had only one nightstand and behind the stuck closet door was my wedding dress.  She noted the knives in the kitchen corner (the love and relationship corner, mind you).  She helped me see the ways, throughout my home, I could bring more purpose and alignment to the space.  By the time she left I had a list of ideas, a lot of inspiration and no urgency
-- only hope.  That weekend my husband and I went through some intense stuff, including the loss of our kitten.  I told him, "I don't know what to do with us to make things better, but I do know I can buy a night stand."  We both began moving through the house making changes.  We freed up the closet door.  We put knives in a drawer.  We lit candles.  We organized the entryway and filled the health and family area of the house with photos of us thriving.   I continued making subtle changes over the week, and these changes coincided with profound shifts in corresponding areas of my life.  My husband and I opened to each other in a new and refreshing way we hadn't known in 5 years together.  Two months ago we weren't sure we were going to stay married; currently we feel safe and warm together.  That same week my hamstring tension released.  Delight opened up in my work.  I felt a spaciousness and energy I've been craving.

I don't know that the back right corner of a room really matters; I do believe intention and concrete action matter.  It's hard to know what to do with big feelings, with dissonance and discontent, with pain.  It helps to take a visible, measurable step like placing two gold pillows on the bed.  It helps to put the knives away as a gesture of "let's stop with the volatility."  It helps to open a literal door so the metaphorical ones can follow.  There's still so much I want to do, and I appreciate Sara's encouragement to start small and let those changes settle, to wait for inspiration, to not rush, to never "be done," yet to adopt this way of being that is alive, creative, engaging with life as it ebbs and flows.  I cannot recommend her enough.  Sara is wildly human, having utilized her own tremendous challenges to transform again and again.  To work with Sara is to connect with the most honest, loving, supportive presence.  Her authenticity and creative brilliance shine."

Bedroom & Business Boost 

"I recently had my first session with Sara and all I can say is WOW!  Sara is both highly knowledgeable and respectful.  She made it easy for me to see a way forward on an issue that I'd been feeling flat and embarrassed about for years.  Her expertise also helped me understand the connection between the space I wanted to transform and wealth & prosperity--which I couldn't have known without her support.  I've followed the tips that Sara shared with me, and as well as absolutely loving the space I've created, I signed THREE new clients into my business the week after I made the changes!  I can't wait to continue with Sara and the transformation!"

Heading in a New Direction

"Working with Sara allowed me the opportunity to learn ways in which I could better support my family and myself through Feng Shui. Sara has been incredibly supportive and thorough in her thoughtful approach to all my concerns. She has helped to educate me to the ways that old patterns have been held in place and empowered me with the information and actions to start shifting situations in a positive direction, and shifting they are!  ​I’m so grateful for her guidance, intuition and calming energy."



An Artist's Haven 

"After  my initial consultation with Sara she gave three pointers to follow up.  The simplicity and the impact of what transpired was breathtaking!  I expected it to take a long time to shape, BUT the reality was that once I decided and drew up my floor plan, it must have taken only a couple of hours to implement.  THE RESULT:  my studio/work area, which had been a "work-in-progress" for years, is practically transformed into a "sacred haven."  It now has the Zen-minimalistic effect, which makes it so easy to function.  I smile when I wake up in the morning to enter my studio space.  It feels amazingly spacious, calming at times, and even an inspiring place to hang out.  Sara is masterful in her craft!"

Entrepreneurial Success 

​"Sara's insight into my design issues with my home office were a great help! She has a wealth of knowledge to share and everything she said makes total sense. She taught me a lot about how the layout of the room and the elements that are key to my success in my business!"

Healthy Home Upgrade

"​Sara was such a pleasure to work with as she helped me to make changes in the Feng Shui of my house that led to significant improvements in my health and well-being. I truly enjoyed the process, as well as the results!"

Transitional Time & Space

"Sara is amazing!  She's so easy to talk to and I never felt judged in spite of sending her completely untidy pictures of the space I needed help with.  After speaking to Sara and hearing her recommendations I am SO excited to get my space sorted in a way that is not only conducive to my work (home office space), but beautiful, uplifting and inspiring!  I want everyone I know to know about 'Love HOME Life' and what Sara is doing!!  I can't wait to share her work with friends and family."

Shame-Free Progress

"You are amazing.  I've always felt ashamed of my home and clutter, and I've had professional organizers to my house in the past, but I felt judged, and none of the work we did really "stuck."  You give me hope and make me feel like I can do this.  I've never maintained my space so well for so long until now.  I've had such huge, welcome changes in my life too.  Thank you."

Inspired & Uplifted

"Sara is truly doing what she is meant to do. She is extremely knowledgeable, thorough, and her love of this work is palpable all the way through. She is kind, supportive, relatable, and I left our appointment feeling inspired and uplifted. Sara is a blessing to anyone lucky enough to work with her and she can help facilitate great shifts in any aspect of your life.  ​I WILL be back."

Small Steps, Big Changes

"Working with Sara helped me to look at my home in a whole new light, and to recognize the way that my home impacts different aspects of my life, my energy level, my mood and my relationships.  Sara did an amazing job at making Feng Shui relatable and understandable to someone who had no background or knowledge of it.  She is able to make suggestions and point out areas that could use attention, without any sense of judgment or blame.  Everything she suggests is incremental, so that you can start with small changes and work up to bigger changes when you have time.

I was shocked by the immediate difference I felt from simple things:  moving around picture frames on a bookshelf, putting some different colors in our bathrooms, adding plants to our front deck.  We have a long way to go to make our home the type of nurturing, peaceful place I would like it to be, but we continue to go back to the roadmap Sara laid out for us, and it continues to guide us.  What's more, my husband, who was skeptical, was completely inspired by Sara too, and we now talk about changes we'd like to make together.  It is also not uncommon for us to ask each other, "Would Sara think this makes sense there?"    Sara is so patient and knowledgeable; it is a true pleasure to have her input and guidance in creating a healthy, happier, more intentional space for our family."

Want to work together?

Send me an email to inquire about my services and availability.

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Disclaimer:  All testimonials on this website are the thoughts and opinions of the person making the statement, and do not create any guarantee by us that you will achieve the same results.